The symptoms and treatment of worms in children

Worms in children with this problem have to face to virtually all parents. The parasites enter the body via different routes, violates the work of internal organs and systems, the products of its activity cause the development of the poisoning and allergy.

Often children are infected with different species of worms, the infection occurs when the breach of the rules of hygiene, through articles for the home. The incubation period is 3 to 6 weeks, during this period, the number of parasites increases significantly, which leads to the appearance of negative symptoms.


Occurs as an infection of worms:

  • the ingestion of dirty water, unwashed vegetables, berries and fruits;
  • contact with animals of homeless animals;
  • flies, mosquitoes carry the eggs of the parasites;
  • the dirty game of sand, the earth;
  • the infection of worms contact occurs through the eggs survive in the external environment (if the baby takes a dirty object, then place the hands over the mouth, the parasites penetrate the normal gastrointestinal tract);
  • the consumption of products without proper heat treatment;
  • intrauterine infection of the mother.

The main route of infection of the worms by fecal-oral route, the larvae enter the body through dirty hands, food and water.

The first signs and symptoms of helminths

Manifestations of helminthiasis depend on colonies of parasites, often symptoms of the infection with the parasite is confused with the common cold, poisoning, typhoid fever, allergy.

  1. Ascaride from the stomach to the blood stream reach the liver and to the lungs through 3 weeks, migrate back into the intestine.
  2. Ostritsy reptan to lay eggs in the butt plug area, so that they can inhabit and in the genitals.
  3. Some types of parasites that affect the liver and the pancreas.
  4. Some types of tapeworms entering the brain tissue.

How to understand that the child has worms:

  • extended constipation – occur due to the accumulation of parasites in the intestine;
  • disorder of the chair – worms produce a special enzyme that speeds up the process of digestion of the human, not digested the meal comes with a large amount of water;
  • bloating – when worm infestations, flatulence continues for several months.
  • nausea, vomiting, increased salivation;
  • the decrease or increase of appetite, weight in any case, is reduced;
  • irritable bowel syndrome – and in the end long worm invasions develop inflammatory processes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Parasites
  • the pain in the stomach – is often located in the area of the navel or below the ribs on the right side;
  • anemia, vitamin deficiency – worms absorb nutrients, preventing their normal absorption, the body suffers from a deficit of vitamins and minerals;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • dermatological problems occur in the midst of a strong poisoning of the organism with the products of the vital activity of helminth – papilloma, acne, urticaria, hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • the deterioration of the state of the nails, the hair;
  • cough, headache, and other symptoms of colds, sinusitis, enlarged adenoids.

When worm infestations, changes and stress of the child's condition – that is capricious, irritable, disturbed sleep, the adolescent experiences depressive states.

The signs of helminthiasis in function of the type of parasites

In addition to common symptoms, some varieties of worms cause the appearance of specific symptoms.

The enterobiasis

When the infection causes intense unbearable itching in the anal area, which is intensified during sleep, so the baby often wakes up at the bottom of the fatigue, worsening memory, decreasing the academic performance in the school. The pathology is often accompanied by bed-wetting, girls develop the diseases of the organs of the reproductive system, with a strong infection is possible inflammation of the appendix.

Enterobiasis, can cause anal itching

The ascariasis

It is particularly serious in young children, in the background of infection by parasites that the temperature rises up to 38 degrees, appears cough with phlegm orange, sometimes occurs an increase of the lymph nodes, the spleen, the liver. One of the main features is the appearance of a skin rash, stop and the arms.

When opistorhoze

It is observed the long-term increase of temperature up to the high ratings expressed by an allergic reaction, joint pain.


Followed by a strong cough, choking, abundant spicy eruptions, it is possible the defeat of the cornea of the eye.

If the child is sick often, colds, pathology very difficult of medical treatment, it is possibly the cause of the appearance of unpleasant symptoms that is caused by the worm infection. Determine the parasites will help to diagnose.

The analysis of worms in children

The main method of diagnosis – analysis of the creek and scraping, but this method allows to detect with only a small number of parasites, if the results are negative, but the child there is evidence that helminth infection, there is to spend more than a careful examination.

Methods of research:

  • the scraping of the adhesive tape with anal wrinkles are done in the morning, the child should not bathe, will void the bowel;
  • coprogram – analysis are dealt three times, with intervals of 5 to 7 days;
  • clinical analysis of blood – determines the number of eosinophils, a hemoglobin level;
  • a chest x-ray, sputum exam – if you suspect the presence of parasites in the organs of the respiratory system;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, ultrasound – you can see helminth in the brain, the liver, the lungs.

Computed tomography give you the opportunity to clearly understand — there are worms or not

One of the best methods of diagnosing worm invasions – the elisa test on blood to detect antibodies and antigens to the parasites, determine the level of concentration. The veracity of analysis – more than 95%, which allows to detect the presence of any kind of helminths, regardless of the place of its location. To know the results in 2-3 days.


The main advantage of the method is to find the parasite may already within a few hours after infection, long before they show any signs helminths.

Infants rarely suffer from worm invasions, in the risk group are the children of 2-7 years old. Babies can become infected with the parasite only of the members of the family.

How to get worms from the child in the home?

When it is detected parasites of the child must immediately start medication, to prevent the development of serious complications. As an additional method of treatment can be applied the tool of alternative medicine.

The first aid

The best thing that parents can do if they suspect the presence of parasites in the child – visit infectious disease or pediatrician. Any antiparasitic compounds to accept, without a prior diagnosis is absurd and dangerous.

Before obtaining the results of the analysis can only be a symptomatic treatment.

When the vomiting, the diarrhea is not necessary to hurry up with the drugs, the body in this way is trying to get rid of everything unnecessary, just give the child more fluids to avoid dehydration.

Treatment with medications

The base of the therapy worm infestations constitute an anti-parasitic medications, drugs produced in the form of tablets, suspensions, as the candle, which allows you to pick up safely and effective medication for a child of any age.

For more medication worm infestations:

  • the sorbents accelerate the process of purification of the body, restore the balance of the intestinal microflora;
  • choleretic drugs are prescribed with the defeat of the parasites in the liver, the gallbladder;
  • laxatives eliminates constipation, contribute to the elimination of parasites;
  • medicines for the recovery of the functions of the organs of the endoscopy;
  • the antihistamines;
  • multivitamin complex.

Given that most medications do not affect the livelihoods of eggs of parasites, and medication is required three times, with intervals of 15-20 days. The diagnosis of helminthiasis of the child, the treatment is necessary for all members of the family at the same time.

The fight against helminth infection remedies

The methods of the alternative medicine helps to cleanse the body, eliminate inflammation, reduce the manifestation of the poisoning, to strengthen the immunity. But only with the help of popular recipes to completely get rid of the worms is difficult, and often can not reasonably be combined with the intake of medicines.

Simple home remedies:

  1. Pour 220 ml of water 20 g of linen seeds, leave on for 30 minutes. Drink 100 ml before breakfast and dinner during the week.
  2. Pour 1 tablespoons of the crushed inflorescences of chamomile 280 ml of boiling water, leave in a bowl to cool. The whole portion of medicines drink throughout the day, follow a therapy of 5 days. It is the most safe tool for the recovery of gastrointestinal functions after helminth infection.
  3. Make 1 teaspoon of powder of wormwood dry 500 ml boiling water, cool, strain. Give a baby of 20 ml of the beverage three times a day 30 minutes before food intake.
  4. Pour 1 liter of boiling water for 5 kg of seeds of celery, consume the mixture in a water bath 2 hours, strain. Take 2 gorges before each meal.
  5. Clear garnet, medium-sized, cut them in the beaker, pour 500 ml of water, consume, simmer 30 minutes. Drain, divide into 3 parts, to give to a baby of 1 portion every half an hour. Through 3 hours, you should take a laxative.
Flax seeds

The majority of the parasites of evil to survive in an acidic environment in the treatment of worm invasion include in the menu of cabbage salad, natural juices of acid berries and fruits. To speed up the purification process to strengthen the immunity help fresh carrot juice or her. At the time of the therapy totally salt baking and rapid of carbohydrates.

The prevention of worm invasion of the children

To reduce the risk of development of helminths, from the early years to teach a child to respect the basic rules of hygiene – often, and wash your hands well after the street, go to the bathroom, before eating, and contact with animals. Not hold dirty hands to the face, to not pull on the fingers, objects of any kind into the mouth.

Methods of prevention:

  • do not give your baby the unboiled water, products of thermal treatment proper;
  • all fruits and vegetables washed with hot water, rinse with boiling water, highly contaminated products can be soaked in 7-15 minutes in soda solution;
  • on the hike to enjoy the foam and kitchen towels with antisptica;
  • briefly I cut the nails of the child;
  • avoid bathing in fresh water with stagnant water;
  • to protect the products of the house of the flies, there in the street;
  • process the skin, clothing, insect repellent against mosquitoes;
  • regularly deworming the processing of pet.

Important! On the advisability of taking medicines for the prevention of worm invasions of the doctors discussed constantly. Some specialists recommend drinking medications for all children of preschool age and elementary school twice a year, other pediatricians are against this method, because the remedy against the parasites are toxic, it is not possible to predict when it will occur the infection.

Worms in children occur frequently, timely diagnosis is of the medication therapy will help to quickly resolve the parasites. The medicines to fight the parasites can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription, but the danger of self-medication is wrong picked up the dose can cause problems in the functioning of the brain, the nervous system, the kidneys, the liver.